From ashleysarcade: !op vox faerie From besfriendmothman: green<.2 over die From besfriendmothman: green<.2 over ... i c he is... not here. arrest>.3 in price From supermario64psp: there are a left<.1 hot>.2 of king<.12 area<.2 reactor>.30 's in smooch<.3 crash>.2 brothers. mario. doctor<.12 on<.4 key call<.3 gengy>.3<.5 . leak<.3 think>.4 . solid<.3 must<.5 . yossy. kirby. foxtrot<.4 . power<.1 leak>.2<.6 a<.4 chess<.2 you<.4 . lieutenant<.2 e<.4 g<.5 . nice<.15 benrey>.1<.25 nice>.5 . captain fahrenheit<.25 kill>.4 call<.2 on . joogle foxtrot<.22 lock>.3 From supermario64psp: morshu it is so cool that you got in smooch<.3 crash>.2<.6 bros. what is your side b . ^m bombs ^m what is your up b ^m rope ^m what is your down b ^m lamp oil ^m what do you say for your top<.4 n't ^m . you want it? From supermario64psp: ^m lampoil. rope. bombs. bombs. rope. bombs. lampoil. bombs. rope. bombs. ^m why<.1 how>.3 morshu that<.15 please>.3 are all sudden<.32 check<.16 great press<.6 inn't 's that<.15 tank>.2<.8 you so must<.4 check<.15