From maxincyber: mario blue joogle>.5 of's dot in force<.3 . ++mario ++with ++blue ++joogle>.5 ++of's ++quebec>.1<.3 ++'s ++item<.4 . ++hole<.4 ++some>.3 ++pal<.2 ++agent<.3 . ++the ++is ++laboratory>.5 ++of ++is ++laboratory>.5 ++'s ++highest ++kill ++r, ++is ++laboratory>.5<.8 ++sonic>.6 . ++my ++vapor>.2<.4 ++all ++o ++g . ++my ++vapor>.2<.4 ++all ++o ++g ++in ++v ++r .. --this --quebec>.1<.3 --'s --item<.4 --waste>.5 --not --make<.5 --blade>.3 --on --percent<.3 --percent<.15 --post<.25 --post<.5 From its_friendo: ^s ^bpm=300 ^l=4 n1 ^l=16 -5* ^l=4 -3* -0* . * ^l=16 -5* ^l=4 -3* -0* . * ^l=16 -5* ^l=4 -3* -0* * * * From trixrabbitofficial: high chess<.2 at it's me the voltage<.1 lock's>.1 can... o k i want your help with something but... help<.2 away>.5 track<.2 quick>.7 's can you pipe<.1 switch>.45 me down so rook can't here me... -test... -a -little -lower.... ---test... ---a ---little ---high ---butter>.8 ... --test... --think<.25 --tank>.4 --'s --o --k --look --i --want --to --pipe<.1 --relay>.4 --chess --with --rook --but --i --doen't --no --how --to --pipe<.1 --relay>.4 From trixrabbitofficial: --what --do --i --do radiostart ^m sorry friend come back when youre a little mmm radioend ^m o my got I didn't ass check>.9 you From impyFrost: ^s ^bpm=192 t...t.t. ^l=16 t e -1* -2* -3* +* +-* e t e -1* -2* -4t -2e -* e t e -1* -2* -3* +* +-* e t e -1* -2* -4t -2e -* e t e -1* -2* -2t -2e -3* -4* -4t -2e -1* e t +e +-* e t e -1* -2* -2t -2e -3* -4* -4t -2e -1* e t +2e +3-* +4-* +4-t +4-e +3-* +2* +-t +5e +4* +4-* +4-t +4-e +3-* +2* +-t +2e +3-* +4-* +4-t +4-e +3-* +2* +* +5* +4* +4-* +4-t +4-e +3-* +2* +-t +2e +3-* +4-* +4-t +4-e +3-* +2* +2t +2e +* +-* +-t +2e +3-* +4-e +4-t +5e +4* +4-* ^l=1 +4-t From ashleysarcade: !op vox ^m bombsn't From trixrabbitofficial: damage<.5 i must be a joogle<.3 yankee>.7 uranium>.4<.6 us double d men fantasy<.3 tango>.3<.4 From Cuboid64: +++be +++boobs<.5 +++be +++be +++boobs<.5 +++been Hide<.5. illegal<.2 be repair>.3 the cannot<.4 nominal<.4 for you,. ---break<.2 ---break<.2 ---break<.2 ---break<.2 ---break<.2 ---break<.2 ---break<.2 ---break<.2...... red key>.3 for blast of From Teffini: feet<.6. final<.4. for<.4. funny<.4 coomer>.6.. i small<.2 hello<.3 the bug of italiano plushie<.3 coomer>.6 From Big_Pilgrim: --animal From ashleysarcade: !op vox ^m rubies From frumsdotxyz: ^m -3i From infl8ablecat: ^m can>.8 a's your rich>.5 can>.3 its>.5 it>.5 rubies>.2<.4 a rich link, rubies>.3<.4 a rich rubies>.2<.4 a rich link From frumsdotxyz: faerie<.5 fairy>.5 From ashleysarcade: p From NikoAmiko: hot- damage<.5+ number>.28<.31! you got++ it+ From fogsland: ^m sorry link, I cant give credit. come back when youre a little, ^s ^bpm=200 mmm *+ *- . . . *+0 *+ *- . . . mmm+6 *+8 *+5 . . . mmm+6 *+8 *+5 . . . . ^s pepsi<.15 rope<.2 pepsi>.15<.20 ruby>.70 er From ashleysarcade: !op vox faerie<.2 fairy>.15<.15 faerie>.15<.15 fairy>.15<.15 faerie>.15<.15 fairy>.15<.15 faerie>.15<.15 fairy>.15<.15 faerie>.15<.15 fairy>.15<.15 faerie>.15<.15 fairy>.15<.15 faerie>.15<.15 faerie>.3 From roonespism: e From frumsdotxyz: ^m rubies<.5>.6 From its_friendo: ^s ^bpm=150 ^l=16 +10did +5l +4-e ^l=4 +5dark .. ^l=8 +10it's ^l=16 +8did +5l +4-e ^l=4 +5dark ... ^l=16 +8did +4-l +2e ^l=4 +4-dark . ^l=8 +8it's ^l=16 +7did +2l +e ^l=4 +2dark ... ^l=16 +5did +l e ^l=4 +dark .. ^l=8 +5it's ^l=16 +10did +5l +4-e ^l=4 +5dark .. ^l=8 +10it's ^l=1 -8dark From miluette: have a trulie awesome day :) From wildgabu: tank's ..... tank's From frumsdotxyz: n't From Limeylocks: tn't's From largenovelty: radiostart bird doe. +10cuicawarn +5cuicawarn . how's it going with your puzzle question<.4 . +5cuicawarn +5cuicawarn. that's good to here. and how is your experience with lieutenant<.2 e<.5 g? +3cuicawarn -3cuicawarn +5cuicawarn +5cuicawarn -10cuicawarn. o, i m sorry to here that. -3cuicawarn +2cuicawarn -5cuicawarn. that's really bad, not ok at all, i will talk to hit<.5 m>.6 +3cuicawarn +3cuicawarn radioend From supermario64psp: mario this shield<.2 helicopter>.65 is a b<.15 u<.4 t<.23 fool<.55 day. yehoowarn you can say that atomic<.15 guard<.17 an<.2 in>.5 . yehoowarn . . . hot<.15 eight<.25 level<.15 rook>.25 it's morshu! and he's got a card<.45! . . ^m you want it? it2's yours my friend ^m what? ^m you want it? ^m no i get that<.35 ^m it2's yours my friend ^m morshu. . why are you try<.6 ing<.7 to celsius<.3 .<.2 me your card<.45? ^m as long as you have enough rubies ^m ok . . how must<.4 check<.15 rubies From melodicreverb: faerie From ashleysarcade: that's fairy power bay be