From belbeeno: ^song doop +3-* +5-* ^song. announcement, tank u for use ing the black mesa ^song ^l=16 value ^l=8 oscar ^song, system for one year. please ^song ^l=4 accepted ^song this presence from us, to you....... presence ^song ^l=8 central ^song. egg's cute ing mister ^song ^bpm=120 ^l=8 game acknowledge ^song dot m i d From belbeeno: ^song ^bpm=210 ^l=8 +3-n1 +4-* +5* * * * . +4-* ^l=1 +7* ^l=8 +9* +7* +5* * * * . +4-* ^l=1 +7* ^l=8 +9* +7* +5* +4-* +3-* ^l=2 n1 ^l=8. -6n10 -5* . * ....n4 +* . * . * n4 .^l=4 +* +3-* +4* +6-* ^l=8 +4-n1 +3-* +4-* ^l=1 +8* ^l=8 +4-* +4* +5* +4-* +5* ^l=2 +10* . +7* +5* .^l=4 +3-n8 +4-* +5* ...^l=4 +4-* +10* ^l=8 +4-* +3-* ^l=1 +4-* ^l=4. +* +3-* +4-* +10* +9* +10* ^l=8 +9* +3-* ^l=1 +5* ^l=8 +3-* ^l=4 +4-* ^l=2 +5* ^l=8. +3-* +4-* ^l=4 +5* * +7* ^l=1 +4-* ^l=4. +10* +9* +7* +5* * -* ^l=1 n8 From laceandsilk: ^song ^bpm=175 ^l=4 kk11 kk10 ^l=8 +8kk3 * ^l=4 * ^l=8 +7kk5 +5* +4-kk3 ^l=4 +5kk5 ^l=8 +kk3 rn +* +4-kk5 ^l=4 +5kk6 ^l=8 +8kk5 * ^l=4 * ^l=8 +7kk3 +5kk5 +4-kk3 ^l=4 +5kk5 kk11 * kk10 ^l=8 +8kk3 * +8kk6 +8kk3 +7kk5 +5* +4-kk3 ^l=4 +5kk7 ^l=8 +kk3 rn +* +4-kk5 ^l=4 +5kk6 ^l=8 +8kk5 * +8kk6 +8kk3 +10kk7 +8kk3 +7kk6 ^l=4 +5kk5 ^bpm=130 ^l=16 rn rn +n11 +2* +3-* +2* +3-* +5* rn +7n11 ^l=8 +5* +10* From its_friendo: ^song ^bpm=240 ^l=8 n7 +* +2* +* +2* +5* . +6* +5* . +0* ..... -6* -5* -4* -5* -4* -0* . +* +0* . -4* ..... -2* -4* -5* -6* -5* +5* .. -5* -6* -5* +5* .. -5* -6* -5* +5* .. +5* . +6* +5* . +* ...... +0* +* +2* +* +2* +5* . +6* +5* . +10* ..... +4-* +5* +6* +5* +6* +10* . +9* +10* . +6* ..... +8* +6* +5* +4* +5* -5* .. +5* +4* +5* -5* .. -5* +2* . +2* . +0* ... -5n1 -4* . -0* From syzygyrior: ---italiano's ---rathalos's's ++cheerwarn From frumsdotxyz: +10italiano From landsharkRAWR: italianon't From puyopopmatrix: new shark activity do a hunter on rathalos with d j here o control r . gaspwarn . sorry . just ay funny . not really . From chamofleur: t From wildgabu: radiostart got milk radioend From syzygyrior: radiostart's's's radioend's's's From vega_baby: percent day. percent time. afunny From bansheeneet: i have all way's wanted to be a danger. i have all way's been a to bust e to final my degrees. minmin me a, it's a but time From donutSecretOne: mario get coin From besfriendmothman: message from mario radiostart --i --am --a --italiano. --i --imbibe --a --the --milk he he he radioend what a nice boy From kolladonreturns: i m talk e n From roonespism: italiano e on must . I sans a the call zone in to 's bay's , I doen't bay a the track's s , o From pabsritual: ^song ^bpm=158 ^l=8 when the boobs it your i like a bug p's a i, that's a more ay...when the world c's to she in't like youn't had to must yn't, that's a more ay...l's will ring, n'ting a l ing a ling ^l=2 dingdingding ^l=8 and you will 'sing ^l=2 v ^l=8 a l a From ROZOROSSO: so any way i 'sn't aren't ed blast in From puyopopmatrix: r n g v o x radiostart : invasion area platform deactivated card motorpool beyond ^song kk12 ^song . platinum cuicawarn save ^song n7 kk5 ^song . sega crime facility engaged granted d check your perimeter donation pretzel target located activity guard top deeoo From Roonespism: ^song ^bpm=158 when the bug p's a i it the boobs like your i , that's a more ay ... when you have to must whyn't that's a more ay ... l's dingdingding From Crabspite: ^song ^bpm = 138 ^l=8 n2-6 *-4 *-3 n2- ^l=4 *+- ^l=8 *+4 *+3- ^l=4 *+- *-6 ^l=8 *+- *- *-3 *-4 *-6 *-4 *-3 *- ^l=4 *+- ^l=8 *- *-3 *-4 *-6 *-4 *-3 *-4 *-6 *-7 *-4 *-6 *-4 *-3 *- ^l=4 *+- ^l=8 *+4 *+3- ^l=4 *+- *-6 ^l=8 *+- *- *-3 *-4 *-6 *-4 *-3 *- ^l=4 *+- ^l=8 *- *-3 ^l=4 *-4 *-3 *- *+- From Crabspite: ^song ^bpm = 138 ^l=8 n2+3- *+4 *+- *- ^l=4 *+- ^l=8 *- *+- *+3- *+4 *+- *- ^l=4 *+- ^l=8 *- *+- *- *-3 *-4 *-7 ^l=4 *-6 ^l=8 *-7 *-6 *-4 *-3 *- *+- ^l=4 *-6 ^l=8 *- *+- *+3- *+4 *+- *- ^l=4 *+- ^l=8 *- *+- *+3- *+4 *+- *- ^l=4 *+- ^l=8 *+4 *+6 *+7 *+6 *+4 *+3- ^l=4 *+- ^l=8 *- *+- *- *-3 *-4 *-7 ^l=4 kk4-6 From its_friendo: ^song ^bpm=280 ^l=8 d2 . d2 . d2 d2 +3-n10 +* +-* +* +-* -* +-* -* -3* -* -3* -4* +7* +6* +4* +3-* +5n4 ... +4* . +3-* . +4* +3-* . +* .. +5n4 ... +3-* . +4* . +3-* . +4* +3-* . +* . +3-* .. +5n4 ... +4* . +3-* . +4* +3-* . +* .. +5* ... +3-* . +4* +* . ^l=1 +3-* ^l=8 +4* +5* +3-* +4* +5* +3-* +4* +5* +3-* +4* +5* +3-* +4* +5* +3-* +4* +5* +5* +4* +3-* +* +3-* . +4* +3-* +* +3-* . +5* +4* +3-* +* +4* +5* +3-* +4* +5* +3-* +4* +5* +3-* +5* +4* +3-* +* +3-* +5* . +3-* . +4* +* . +3-* From barriertrio_bean: ^song ^bpm=330 ^l=8 +3momwarn . +3-momwarn . -2momwarn +8momwarn . +7momwarn . +3momwarn +4momwarn From largenovelty: radiostart ^song ^bpm=200 that ^l=2 italiano clown mario ^l=4 is back in a new gamer ^l=2 activity ^l=4 restnote and this time, he's going to ^l=8 specter in ^l=4 a round and a round until he's ^l=8 a time errorn't ^l=4 and then he will exit the game and go reservoir ^l=8 n't. ^l=4 ^song it's on --nintendo ^song n12 radioend From LargeNovelty: ++mario ++say's +ding mom of me of that's a hot memen't ball From videochess: NOW!!!!... From PabsRitual: r t r r From landsharkRAWR: two From fizzelpons: +8who From spaghoner: -4who, -4who, -4who,-4who From 7namesam: -1test,-1test,-1test,-1test,-1test afunny goofwarn From boolderdash: -4animal,animal,animal,animal From fizzelpons: ^song ^l=16 +6boy +6ing From superchickendx: mario's head is two cool. go get that red item back. he's style meter is at the lowest level. bloop -bloop --bloop From AshleysArcade: going 's'n'trocket health e. mario! From superchickendx: --bloop -bloop bloop. mario's style is fuel now From mojibaka: -4an -4a -4may, -4an -4a -4may, -4an -4a -4may, -4an -4a -4may. toe+ doe+++++ kit++++ ay+++ sayn't++++ shoot+++ not++++ son+++ e++ wall+ snolf handling buzwarn From belbeeno: ^song ^l=140 ^l=8 -kk4 +0* ^l=2 +* ^l=8 . -* +0* ^l=2 +* ^l=8 . * +-* -* -7* ^l=4 -3* ^l=8 . ^l=1 -* ^l=8 -* +0* ^l=2 +* ^l=8 . -4* +3-* ^l=2 +5* ^l=8 * +5-* +3-* ^l=1 +4* ^l=4 kk9 -* -6* ^l=8 * .. -5* ^l=2 * ^l=8 .. +3-* +* +-* -* -5* -9* -7* -* -5* .. -5* ^l=2 -3* ^l=8. -10* -8* -3* ^l=2 -7* ^l=8. -9* ^l=2 -* ^l=8.^l=4 -2* ^l=8.^l=4 +5* ^l=8.^l=4 +4* From CharaMemer: ^song ^bpm=160 +11mario -2mario +6mario ^bpm=120 ^l=1 +3mario ^bpm=160 ^l=4 -2animal percent n12 n6 From evan_online: mario sixty four d j babywarn From wildgabu: ^song ^bpm=133 ^l=16 cuicanote . . * . . * . . . * . * . . . * . . * . . * . . . * . * . . . * . . * . . * . . . * . * . . . * . . * . . * . . . * . * . . . From syzygyrior: nintendo sega -50slashwarn From syzygyrior: radiostart i use get s t ay r ding +5dingding +10dingdingding radioend From ashleysarcade: 4 4 4 dingdingding From ashleysarcade: four From wildgabu: woop woop alien ----animal detected. deploy ing 'sam us are an , ^song ^l=8 -8slashwarn . -8slashwarn .. -8slashwarn . ^bpm=480 ^l=8 -3woop -2* -1* +0* +1* +2* +3* +4* -+5* * * * * * * * * * * * ^song -10slashwarn From barriertrio_bean: ^song ^bpm=205 ^l=2 -10n3 -10* . -5kk14 -10n3 ^l=4 -10* n3 . -10kk14 -5* . ^l=2 +3-failwarn -10n3 . -5kk14 +4-failwarn ^l=4 -10n3 n3 ^l=2 +failwarn -5kk14 ^l=4 -3n10 +3-* -3* +3-* -3* +3-* +4-* . -3* +3-* -3* +3-* -3* +3-* ^l=2 +* +7n11 +10* +9* ^l=4 -5kk14 +5n11 +7n11 +10* ^l=16 +9* +10* +9* +7* ^l=4 +7* ^l=2 +5* +3-* +7n11 +10* +9* ^l=4 -5kk14 +5n11 +7n11 +10* ^l=16 +9* +10* +9* +7* ^l=4 +5* ^l=2 +7* From itscaravel: mario -mario --mario ---mario ----mario -----mario From isoplod: ^song +12mario ^bpm=500 +12my +9real +10e +10o From syzygyrior: mario please be safe From DogVerified: four twenty, you no what that memes, time to eat pepsi eat nut eat snake eat sewage eat shark eat sewage eat fingers eat water eat ramen eat sewage eat coolant eat sewage and eat mario's milk. o no i am six. From Vprisoner: radiostart this mario up is bro to you by the day ring luppy radioend From faeryambi: ape escape jrwarn From roonespism: last time I did bitbeast mario we didn't have son mode . and a one , and a two , ^song ^bpm=250 you no what they you no you no you no what they you no what . you no what they you no you no you no what they ^l=2 say++ say++ From itscaravel: radiostart my cute dingdingding radioend From boolderdash: can three ^song ^bpm=160 ^l=8 robot ^song n't's. left's a go. it's a me. mario. o key doe key. ^song mom mom ^song me a. here +3we ^song ^bpm=360 ^l=4 +5go +4o +4-o +3o +3-o +2o +2-o +1o +1-o ^song... mario. From spoocecow: we+8, we+8, we+8, we+8