From barriertrio_bean: +5die +5no +5going +5over +5it's +5joogle +5go +5wilco +5why +5die +5no +5going +5over +5it's +5joogle +5go +5wilco +5why From Nivomi: the game is call ^song ^bpm=360 stairway are ^bpm=160 foxtrot ^song . do to it ^song ^bpm=360 stairway are 's ^bpm=160 foxtrot From wildgabu: bay be t red's From heartlesshealer: ^song ^l=8 ^bpm=420 -9woop -8woop -5woop ^bpm=140 -woop ^l=16 -9woop rn -9woop rn -5woop rn ^l=4 -8woop From barriertrio_bean: not not it's nut kill's ^song ^bpm=180 ^l=16 d2 . d2 -4d1 . d2 +4d1 . d1 -4d1 . . -4d1 . . -4d1 . -4d1 +4d1 . . . . . d2 . . -4d1 . d2 +4d1 . d1 -4d1 . . -4d1 . . d2 . -4d1 +4d1 . . . . . d2 . d2 -4d1 . d2 +4d1 . d1 -4d1 . . -4d1 . . -4d1 . -4d1 +4d1 . . . . . d2 . . -4d1 . d2 +4d1 . d1 -4d1 . . -4d1 . . d2 . -4d1 +4d1 . . d3 . . From cringeasssnaenaebaby: woop woop ^song ^bpm=150 power ing up funny warn gun ^song woop woop ^song ^bpm=430 ^l=4 -10afunny -9* -8* -7* -6* -5* -4* -3* -2* -* +* +2* +3* +4* +5* +6* +7* +8* +9* ^bpm=480 ^l=4 -10* -10* -6* ^bpm=120 -8babywarn -3maximum -3power afunny red e for ^song -1deployment? -2fire? -3at -3will? ^song ^bpm=400 ^l=8 -1afunny * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^bpm=250 really ^song loading? ^song ^bpm=400 ^l=8 -1afunny * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^song -gaspwarn From evelyn_cute: what's my ^song ^l=32 no ^l=8 ay ^l=16 me ,^l=8 duct ^l=32 no ^l=16 call ^l=8 cheap ^song no it's a hole new game ^song ^l=8 duct ^l=32 no ^l=16 call ^l=8 cheap ^l=4 no u want scream e good ^l=32 no ^l=8 s, i ^l=32 me, ^l=4 your ^l=16 freeman ^l=4 and say hello to my check ^l=16 little, blue ^l=4 and atomic a who ^l=8 what, lock team ^l=4 light this hole try all is out of sight, they got me back in with ^l=32 h ^l=8 ay selected nut, to, card m l ^l=8 swim ^l=16 error l ^song , i no it wall's you From paradoxpangolin: november run with like in a game coomer From justwhatever_idk: ^song ^bpm=155 ay ^bpm=300 's and or ^bpm=190 motor ass , do you ^bpm=300 remaining men bird ^bpm=170 what mom ^bpm=400 through, ^bpm=400 call mom 's ^bpm=150 after may but before ^bpm=200 juliet i , , , , , , , ^bpm=90 jrwarn ,, o yes ^bpm=200 that is it, ^bpm=400 through ay n't kill you ^bpm=400 cuicawarn +5cuicawarn From its_friendo: ^song ^l=8 materials a more ^l=16 finger is ^l=8 's From Teffini: ++++test ++++of ++++test ++++of ++++test ++++of From partybee65: think you granted core code. gaspwarn. think you, day feet y's. cheerwarn cheerwarn ^song ^bpm=156 ^l=16 +3n3 rn * rn +0* rn * rn +3* * * rn +0* * * rn +3* rn +3* +3* +0* rn * rn +0* +3* +0* +3* +0* From AshleysArcade: radiostart ---if ---i ---go ---down ---i ---am ---take ---ing ---you -with --me radioend ... radiostart ^song ^l=16 +5a +5a +5a +5a +5a +5a +5a +5a +5a +5a +5a +4a +4a +4a +4a +3a +3a ^song radioend ... ... radiostart -doen't -error -get -up -my -son radioend ... radiostart +3farthest? radioend From partybee65: ^song ^bpm=134 ^l=4 foxtrot kill ^l=8 and ruby From tewhit: morshu and ^song ^bpm=320 shut bug nut gun .. 's it ing . in . a . ^bpm=400 train e . ^bpm=150 k i s s i n g . first ^bpm=330 complex 's . ^bpm=200 ---bomber 's then ^bpm=330 complex 's . ^bpm=500 ++'sk ++area ++rads ++objective ++'s ^bpm=2-- then ^bpm=330 complex 's . ^bpm=150 morshu ^bpm=320 bug nut gun . ^song jrwarn From big_boi_bigg: buzwarn buzwarn alert alert foxtrot is accelerating hot From senselessv: t From ashleysarcade: super super super super super From partybee65: ^song ^bpm=180 ^l=16 n3 +1* +3* +5* rn rn * rn rn +0* +1* +3* +5* rn rn * rn rn ^bpm=120 +7* * rn rn ^bpm=180 n3 +1* +3* +5* rn rn * rn rn +0* +1* +3* +5* rn rn * rn rn +7* +5* +3* +0* +1* +0* -5* rn -5* rn -5* rn rn ^bpm=120 +10babywarn +8* +6* +4* +8* +8* +4* +3* ^bpm=240 -10* * * * * * * * * * * * -9* -8* -7* -6* -5* -4* -3* -4* -5* -6* -7* ^l=8 -8* -9* ^l=2 -10* From partybee65: ^song ^bpm=120 ^l=16 +10babywarn +8* +6* +4* +8* +8* +4* +3* ^bpm=240 -10* * * * * * * * * * * * -9* -8* -7* -6* -5* -4* -3* -4* -5* -6* -7* -4* -3* -2* -1* 0* -2* -3* -4* -3* -2* -1* +1* +3* +4* +5* +6* +5* +4* +3* +2* +1* -1* -2* -3* -4* -5* -6* -7* -8* -9* -10* * * * * * * * * ^l=1 +8* From Nimmymoo: make me, g g From belbeeno: ^song ^bpm=140 ^l=8 +2left +2'sa +2go +5o +5key +5doe +5key. -3n4 * ^l=16 * * .n4. * . * .^l=16 -* * .^l=8 -3* * ^l=16 * * .n4. * . * . +3-* * .^l=8 -3* * ^l=16 * * .n4. * . * .^l=16 -* * .^l=8 -3* * ^l=16 * * .n4. * . * . +3-* * .-3n11 +* -3* . +3-* . * +4-* ^l=8 . ^l=16 n4 . -* * . -3n11 +* -3* . +3-* . * +4-* .n4. +3-* * .-3n11 +* -3* . +3-* . * n11. -3* . -3* -5* . -7* . -5* . -9* ^l=8 -10* .^l=16. n4. * . +3-* * ^l=4.. -n3 ^l=16. +* +2* +3* . +6* . +9* From justwhatever_idk: t From faeryambi: left's a go ok doe k ^song ^bpm=138 ^l=16 +6n4, *, * *, +9n8, *, *, +9n4 +8n4, +6n4, *, * *, +9n8, *, *, +2n9 +2n9, +6n4, *, * *, +9n8, *, *, +9n4 +8n4, +6n4, *, * *, +9n8, *, *, +2n9 +2n9, +3kk11 +5kk11 +3kk11, +5kk11, +4kk11 +6kk11,,, +9n4, +8n4 +8n4, +3kk11 +5kk11 +3kk11, +5kk11, +4kk11 +6kk11, +9n8, *, +2n9 +2n9, +3kk11 +5kk11 +3kk11, +5kk11, +4kk11 +6kk11, +6kk11, +6kk11 +5kk11, +3kk11 +4kk11, kk11 ^l=4 -3kk11 ^l=16 ,,, +9n8, *, +2n9 +2n9 From spoocecow: i neat to go, just ass bad ass you. what I have this moren't ing I doen't eatn't want to say to you