From videochess: test From tewhit: time for ^song ^bpm=200 an other ^song chess and ^song ^bpm=220 g g . 'starget ^bpm=150 foxtrot . advanced shard From don_quikonga: do a square o wall From partybee65: ^song ^bpm=112 ^l=8 d2 rn d1 d2 rn d2 d1 rn d2 rn d1 d2 rn d2 d1 kk10 d2 rn d1 d2 rn d2 d1 rn d2 rn d1 d2 kk9 +2kk9 d1 rn n7 rn -3n7 -5n7 rn -7n7 -9n7 -7n7 -9n7 rn -7n7 -5n7 rn -3n7 n7 rn n7 rn -3n7 -5n7 rn -7n7 -9n7 -7n7 -9n7 rn -7n7 -5n7 rn -3n7 -5n7 From tewhit: ^song ^bpm=220 shut+ ^bpm=400 bug+ nut+ +gun . ^bpm=220 +shut ^bpm=400 +bug +nut +gun . ^bpm=220 +shut ^bpm=400 +bug +nut +gun . ^song . -no. -you -cann't -say -that. ^song ^bpm=400 -twenty -it -shipment ^song -is -going -to ^song ^bpm=250 -banjo . ^song -chess. +sorry. +i +will +say ^song ^bpm=220 +shut ^bpm=400 bizwarn +nut +gun. ^song . -good. From ladysaytenn: +1do +1you +1like +1how +1i +1and's +1i +1got +1uranium +1plant's -2contamination -2in -2of -2to 's-2left -2you -2in -2to -2a -2test +1do +1you +1like +1how +1i +1walk +1do +1you +1like +1how +1i +1talk +1do +1you +1like +1how +1my +1base -2distance -2an -2eight's -2in -2to -2shock +1i +1have +1a +1one +1turn +1fool +1why's +1i +1got +1a +1power +1fool +1shark +1she +1clear +1team 's+1i's +1ass +1me +1for +1be +1ing +1electromagnetic -12funwarn From evelyn_cute: radiostart ^song ^bpm=480 +kk5 +7* +* ^l=8 +3-* ^l=2 +* ^l=4 +-* +3* +2* rn ^song , radiostart ^song ^bpm=260 -10kk6 -8* -7* ^bpm=220 -5* ^bpm=480 -7* rn ^song , radiostart ^song ^bpm=480 +7n2 -* +7* ^bpm=240 rn ^l=8 n2 rn ^bpm=480 ^l=4 * +3* rn ^song , radiostart ^song -6kk6 ^l=8 rn ^l=4 * -3* rn -6* ^l=8 rn ^l=4 * -3* ^song , radioend From TTornad0: lock at this for to granted, lever time i do it make me last, -lever -time -i -do -it -make -me -last, --lever --time --i --do --it --make --me --last. funwarn From bansheeneet: ^song +n10 +n10 +n10 +n10 +n10 +n10 +n10 ^l=16 +3-n10 ^l=4 n10 +n10 +n10 +n10 +n10 +n10 +n10 +n10 ^l=16 +3-n10 ^l=1 n10 ^l=4 +rook ^l=16 +3-n10 n10 -3n10 -7n10 ^l=8 -7n10 +run ^l=16 rn ^l=8 +but ^l=16 rn ^l=8 +rook rn ^l=16 +3-n10 n10 -3n10 ^l=8 -7n10 ^l=16 -9n10 ^l=4 -10n10 +rook ^l=16 +3-n10 n10 -3n10 -7n10 ^l=8 -7n10 +run ^l=16 rn ^l=8 +but ^l=16 rn ^l=8 +rook rn ^l=16 +3-n10 n10 -3n10 ^l=8 -7n10 ^l=16 -9n10 ^l=4 -10n10 From videochess: what if foxtrot me clown me t miles the hours. the reports may super i z you From tewhit: ^song ^bpm=220 shut ^bpm=400 +bincho nut gun . but zero nut gun ^song . what a ^song ^bpm=300 +one dirt fool ^bpm=400 freezer ay zero . ^bpm=220 shut ^bpm=400 +bincho nut gun . but zero nut gun ^bpm=250 . +ayn't no ^bpm=250 pacify ing ^bpm=400 crash ay zero. ^bpm=140 it memes no ^bpm=300 +worm +e's ^bpm=200 for the ^bpm=400 red stop ^bpm=200 of your day's . it's a ^bpm=400 proper blast m ^bpm=250 +freeman . . fool a so +feet . . ^bpm=220 shut ^bpm=400 +bincho nut gun . but zero nut gun From frumsdotxyz: hello! I help you have water --babywarn From ashleysarcade: health r o bay be From barriertrio_bean: high there i am t t ^song ^bpm=150 ^l=16 +10n3 +4n3 +10n3 , +10n3 +4n3 -4n3 * +10n3 +4n3 +10n3 , +5d3 +4n3 -4n3 * +10n3 +4n3 +10n3 , +10n3 +4n3 -4n3 * +10n3 +4n3 +10kk9 , +7kk9 +4n3 -4n3 * -5n4 +4n3 +n4 , -6n4 +4n3 +n4 -4n3 -7n4 +4n3 -n4 , +5d3 +4n3 -n4 -3n4 +10n3 +4n3 n4 , +3-n4 +4n3 n4 -4n3 -6n4 +4n3 +10kk9 , +7kk9 +4n3 +4n4 -4n3 -5n12 +4n3 +n12 , -6n12 +4n3 +n12 -4n3 -7n12 +4n3 -n12 , +5d3 +4n3 -n12 -3n12 +10n3 +4n3 n12 , +3-n12 +4n3 n12 -4n3 -6n12 +4n3 +10kk9 , +7kk9 +4n3 +4n12 -4n3 From videochess: vox high there i am t t ^song ^bpm=150 ^l=16 +10n3 +4n3 +10n3 , +10n3 +4n3 -4n3 * +10n3 +4n3 +10n3 , +5d3 +4n3 -4n3 * +10n3 +4n3 +10n3 , +10n3 +4n3 -4n3 * +10n3 +4n3 +10kk9 , +7kk9 +4n3 -4n3 * -5n4 +4n3 +n4 , -6n4 +4n3 +n4 -4n3 -7n4 +4n3 -n4 , +5d3 +4n3 -n4 -3n4 +10n3 +4n3 n4 , +3-n4 +4n3 n4 -4n3 -6n4 +4n3 +10kk9 , +7kk9 +4n3 +4n4 -4n3 -5n12 +4n3 +n12 , -6n12 +4n3 +n12 -4n3 -7n12 +4n3 -n12 , +5d3 +4n3 -n12 -3n12 +10n3 +4n3 n12 , +3-n12 +4n3 n12 -4n3 -6n12 +4n3 +10kk9 , +7kk9 +4n3 +4n12 -4n3 From vgperson: ^song ^l=8 -9n7 -6* -* +-* +4* -6* -* +-* +3-* -6* -* +-* +4* -6* -* +-* -9* -6* -* +-* +4* -6* -* +-* +3-* -6* -* +-* +4* -6* -* +-* ^l=16 +6* .. *.. ^l=8 +4* ^l=2 * ^l=16 .. * +6* +7* .. ^l=8 +9* ^l=16 . +7* +6* +4* .. *.. ^l=8 +3-* ^l=1 * ^l=8 * +4* -3* +* +3-* +4* ^l=16 . ^l=8 +6* ^l=16 . ^l=8 +7* +6* -4* -* +-* +3-* ^l=16 . ^l=8 +4* ^l=16 . ^l=8 +6* ^l=2 * ^l=16 .. +7* +6* ^l=2 +4* From akaEmmybelle: ^song ^bpm=260 n4 -3n4 rn -n4 n4 ^bpm=120 +2hit -1r o+2 +1bay +2be From tewhit: ^song ^bpm=200 right ^bpm=250 a but now it's time to ^bpm=150 rook ^bpm=250 with the ^bpm=330 shock get team . shut . bug not gun . ^bpm=200 right ^bpm=250 a but now it's time to ^bpm=150 rook ^bpm=250 with the ^bpm=330 shock get team . shut . bug not gun . ^bpm=220 shut to the +shoot to the shut to the ^bpm=150 base ^bpm=200 to the shut to the shoot to ^bpm=330 shut bug nut gun From barawabarawa: do you like head or o use six? we like head or o use six. I like head or o use six, beyblade From agent_catcat: granted kirby hole failwarn-10 failwarn-10 failwarn-10 From its_friendo: ^song +4you ^l=32 love ^l=8 you's From don_quikonga: ^song ^bpm=150 ^l=16 +2kk1 +2kk1, +kk2 +2kk1, +kk1, -kk4, -4kk4, -7kk2, -6kk1, ^l=2 -4kk2 ^l=16 .... +5kk9 +6kk9 +8kk9 +5kk9 +2kk9 +kk9 -3kk1 -3kk1, -4kk2 -3kk1, -4kk4, -6kk3, -4kk4, -3kk1, +kk4, ^l=2 -kk6 ^l=16 .. kk9 +kk9 +2kk9 +3kk9 +4kk9 kk9 +8kk9 +8kk9 +2kk1 +2kk1, +kk2 +2kk1, +kk1, -kk4, -4kk4, -7kk2, -6kk1, ^l=2 -4kk2 ^l=16 .... +5kk9 +6kk9 +8kk9 +5kk9 +2kk9 +kk9 -3kk1 -3kk1, -4kk2 -3kk1, -4kk4, -6kk2, -4kk1, -3kk6, -kk2, ^l=8 +kk1, ^l=8 +2kk4 ^l=16 , +3kk4 +4kk5